Part of the passion of my life is a drive to create and to share what I have learned with others.
I find I am most alive when I am able to discover truth and then to write it down,
so it is not confined to where I am or when I am.
Truth transcends all barriers and is always the final arbitrator of all we are or hope to be.
so it is not confined to where I am or when I am.
Truth transcends all barriers and is always the final arbitrator of all we are or hope to be.
Jesus was clear that he is "the truth. *"
It is about this truth I have committed my life and which I write about most often and with deep passion.
Bob Highlands III *John 14.6
It's A Long, Long Line
NEW 2019
Take a glimpse into eternity and what it holds for both the believer and the non-believer. Winston James Cummings has five minutes and thirty-four seconds till he steps off the curb and find himself facing the question of what happens when we die. His experience could help you adjust your life so you do not end up as surprised as he was.
Drawing on a rich imagery the book, It's A Long, Long Line, allows you to experience what the afterlife first moments will be like. Every hour of every day about 6,000 people step from the physical shadow of life into the spiritual and eternal afterlife. Each of them has an appointment to keep. Walk with one man as he looks behind the curtain of eternity and discovers why making advanced preparations is a vital part of our life here on earth.

Eschatology made simple
Last to Leave shares what the Bible really says about the End Of Time. Popular Christian culture has lost sight of the Word of God and has instead focused on the sensationalized teachings of a few to redefine end times teaching. Pastor Bob takes a systematic approach in investigating the Bible teachings surrounding the return of Christ and the End of Time events. Last To Leave will answer questions about The Antichrist, The end of time, The Millennium, The third Temple, The three Heavens, The Mark of the Beast, How to interpret scripture, The setting up of Jesus’ Kingdom, The final battle between good and evil, A Verse by verse look at Matthew 24 & 25 A commentary covering the Book of Revelation, The chain of events that happen at the end of time and A special section about the origin of Satan and Demons. Much of what you believe about the end of time may be wrong. Take the time to find out what the Bible really says about the end of time.
All Books Availabel in Kindle Edition
Basics for every believer
There are some things everyone needs to know, no matter what you plan to do with your life. In school, everyone learns their ABCs & 123’s. When it comes to being a believer and following Jesus as your savior, you need to know six simple truths that outline the whole Christian experience. Here these are broken down and explained in the simplest way. All the religious words have been removed, and the basics are laid out to help you prepare for everything else you will learn as a believer. Take the time to discover the Elementary truths of the Christian faith. These six simple teachings are outlined in Hebrews 6.1-2. They are the elementary basics you will need to grow and discover before you can go on to become a mature believer in Christ.

The Seeking Jesus Study guides are a four-part study covering the life and teachings of Jesus. Each guide is designed to take you through a section of the life of Jesus. Using daily readings these devotional journals will take you deep into the teachings and life of Jesus. First study guide available the last week of 2019.
The Journey: The Six fundamental truths that are the foundation of the Christian Faith.
This book covers the six fundamental foundational Christian beliefs set forward in Hebrews 6.1-2. The six fundamental truths every believer should know are Repentance from Dead Works, Faith toward God, Biblical Washings (baptisms), Laying on of hands, Resurrection of the Dead Eternal Judgment. Written in simple and understandable language, this book will help anyone who wants to understand these basic Christian teachings better. *Purchase it Now*

Is This Heaven For REAL?
A Pastor's answer to the question that he was asked again and again.
A Biblical exposition of the book 'Heaven is for Real.' Bob Highlands answers the question about whether the book is true or false. This small book gives the reader the basis to be able to form their own opinion.

All Books Availabel in Kindle Edition
Removing the Masks
A Monograph on Developing Open Communications
in Local Church Leadership
in Local Church Leadership

The Story Unfolds: A Personal Journey Through The Word of God
The STORY UNFOLDS takes the reader on a personal journey through the Word of God. Genesis to Revelations applied to your life.